Frequently Asked Questions
How do I join Satya Ji'‘s Telegram Channel?
Please follow the instructions here
How can I visit Satya Ji?
Satya Ji is not available to take in-person visits at the moment. Certain individuals who show sincerity by participating in the telegram channel, talks and workshops may be invited personally.
I’m really struggling. I feel like I need to see Satya Ji.
We are glad that you have been touched by the energy we are putting out. However, we are not here to fix people’s individual issues. In reality, there is nothing to fix except the quality of your perception and the flow of your energy. For this we provide Free Exercises you can try for yourself. In conjunction with the Youtube videos and Telegram content, they are extremely powerful. Satya Speaks is not a hospital for your battered ego, it is a gym for your soul. You have the strength it takes. Believe it and stand for the Life that you are. Here are some videos that will help you.
How can I ask Satya Ji a question?
You can ask a question on the Telegram channel if it is sincerely something that will be constructive for your growth. Attention-seeking questions will be ignored or deleted. If you have a personal question you would like to submit, please refer to the Contact Us page of this website.
How can I give back?
You can support our work by truly applying it into your life, and blossoming to your full potential. It is the greatest service you can do for anyone. If you would like to help us grow and reach more people, please share our content and website with others and donate here.