The Cause of Darkness
My definition of Kali Yuga, the dark age, on the human level within is: We humans in these times have become lovers of a photo of a person more than the real person in front of us. Photo is a thought. Smart phone and social media are thoughts, pictures.
It is convenient to love idea, an image, because it is dead it won't show you your face. A live person, a life without philosophy and concepts is inconvenient and ever changing. It will bring you new challenges and show you your face, which nobody wants to see.
Our culture and its neurosis has made people, spirituality, God and everything into an image. Remember when you worship, believe or follow a concept, guru or religion, it is not that you are a great intellectual or seeker. Following what you believe is not following the Truth. In a deep way you are following your ego which is the collector of images.You don't stand for something because something is right or true but because you believe it hence you stand for it. It is not standing for truth but standing for your ego.
All our relations are images and our attachment to people is not love for people but love for our image of them. The Real is dangerous - it will rip your world of images apart. It won't fit to your conditions but you have to fit to its flow. So look inside and see: what is your life? Is it life like a river or life like a photo of the river?
What is your spiritual journey? Is it a willingness to jump in the river or just taking some sips of imaginary water called philosophy then keep some words about it in your mind bottle and tell yourself I got ocean in my pocket.
The beauty and magnificence of life is you can never get it, nobody ever got it - but you can become it. But for that you have to burn your Kali Yuga of images and become a live fire.
All suffering is when your life force is trapped by you in an image be it material or spiritual does not matter. We are suffering from images: our happiness is getting a new image and sorrow is losing that image.
Joy and liberation is when you dare to free yourself from images and stand naked and alone like a child into this flow.
Image is secure but dead. Flow is insecure but creative.
So to be a real lover of life means don't bind yourself into images and don't bind others into your images. Then you won't have to look for liberation because real liberation is freedom from images.
So practically: look carefully with awareness at the images in the mind about everything. See them as images, then they start to disappear. This works like fire. Once you see image as image you are freed of it. But right now we see the image in our head as reality.
Aum Namaha Shivaya.