How to make the most of Human Studios

Satya Ji posts often, and his posts are very profound. It can be a bit overwhelming, especially if you are new to the channel. Here is a guide of how to make the most of the Satya Speaks Telegram Channel

It’s more than words

It’s tempting to think Satya Ji is just posting philosophical musings, but that is totally missing the point. Each post is charged with energy, so read them with total undivided attention. Put aside your other things, sit down and absorb the transmission. Then it will have a totally different impact.

Take it slow

There are no points for reading fast or reading more. Read each line, let it sink in. Put it in reference to your own experience. There is a tendency scan the surface of the words like “ oh yes I heard of that … hmm interesting point but… oh wow I thought this the other day!” - again that is missing the flow. Try to drop the barrier of your mind and see the post for what it is, a fresh extension of energy to you.

If a post really resonates, read it again, save it for future. Don’t feel rushed to move onto the next post. It’s not about quantity of words read, but depth of absorption. Any one of the posts can transform you if you really let it. (Do keep an eye out for latest announcements regarding events though)

Absorbing these posts will transform your thinking from plastic, ego-centred logics to organic, life-centred vision.

Work with what works

We are all individuals that are locked on some level. Each lock needs a slightly different key. Satya Ji is sharing from different angles to hit different people where they need to be triggered. Not everything will resonate with everyone, and it is not supposed to. Take what works and work with it.

We are not presenting a philosophy or path, we are activating you to the point where nature can take its course.

Don’t speak, don’t leak

Scenario - you read a post, you feel the energy ripple through you. Strong vibrations of realisation and truth. You will never quite be the same.

Mind says “Oh my God, this is crazy, let me write this down. Let me explain it to my friends. Let me post about it”

This trap is what keeps so many seekers stuck. When you receive the wisdom, you need to let it ripple into your system, like vibrating water, and let it settle and establish there. If you leak it by sharing, verbalising, intellectualising before it is well established - you are losing the wisdom. It will not become your reality.

Seeds grow in darkness. No matter how eloquent or clever you think you are, cosmos does not care. It cares about the sincerity, humility and innocence of the way you say “Wow”.

If you feel you must put it into words, it is better to write it in your own diary and not share it with others.

You may think “But Satya Ji shares his writings, why can’t I?”. Sharing always comes at a cost, even for Satya Ji. But his innocence, his “Wow, I know nothing”, is well established, so his cup refills. Be honest with yourself. Do you want to keep the cycle of receiving, feeling high, and leaking it out - or do you want transformation?

Old is Gold

Satya Ji has written a lot, and his old posts may just contain what you need. You can go through them from the beginning, randomly or, if you want to know about a certain topic - use the telegram search function to find posts containing your key word.

For example, “devotion”, “breath”, “technique”

We are also working on cataloguing posts for easier access, that is a work in progress, not sure when it will be done.

Thank you for reading this guide. We hope you find it helpful 🙏🏽


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