This is a practical process of organizing your life and organizing your mind. Our mind has millions of unexpressed thoughts, and it needs healing and cleaning on a regular basis. We don’t express much of what is stored inside us to others, we often edit and filter ourselves. Most of the time, other people are not very available to really listen, they mainly wait for their turn to speak.
Once you express a thought it looses its power. This is a process for befriending your mind, leading to deeper insights and the ability to express yourself more clearly.
The Process
Every morning whenever you get up you have to write three pages. Usually, our writing is controlled writing on a particular suject. But this form of writing is therapy.
In the morning you are coming out of your dreams and your unconscious mind, which carries your truths, is highly available.
You have to just start writing - not directing the mind - but watching and writing whatsoever is coming up. Just write, don’t judge. You will be surprised - it’s as if your true mind has been waiting for lives to express itself. You will write stuff you don’t say to anybody. It’s your conversation with yourself.
The reason such writing heals is that your are flowing your mental wisdom uninterrupted. You are performing an action which is spontaneous and real. This fire will consume all the bullshit thoughts. The mind is noisy partly because your thoughts are unable to express. They haunt you. In this fire you will feel the light of your wisdom. True thoughts will get organized around you.
Before your mind was chaos but as soon as you become a dot, the chaos becomes like a mandala around you. When shiva stands still, when awareness is present shakti thoughts start to dance around you. You will experience the beauty of your mind, as well as your confusions, doubts, fears - write it all.
When you write like this you will start to see solutions and insights. You will get creative ideas about your life. Be weary of getting proud and egoic about what you write. When you write some great stuff, remember it’s not really yours, it’s Life’s wisdom flowing through you. The ground rule is - become your own honest friend - you will then be laughing at your crap and vanity.
Keep writing don’t hold on to one thought, even if you are uncomfortable with what comes out. Don’t be nice and ethical just write.
Right now you are lost in the streets of your mind you don’t know what is there on next turn. But writing like this you will become a bird - you will see the map and design of your whole city. You need to flow. Wisdom is not in thoughts but in the flow.
Every human has their unique flow there are no general solutions because each of you is a unique creativity of life. Honouring your individuality and uniqueness is being spiritual. Life does not makes copies. Each leaf in a tree is unique in pattern. When you stand and protect your uniqueness and not let anyone dictate you, then you are a cosmic human. That battle is worth fighting.
And in all this pleas remember:
Good news is nothing stays.
Bad news is nothing stays.
All the best. Welcome yourself into your own cosmos. Own it and become king or queen there. Help others to discover their kingdom.
Become your friend and become a lover of your life. You are your own temple and palace. This life is your kingdom. Don’t let others rule it.