Ganesh Mantra

Once you feel comfortable chanting something simple like AUM, you can try this. As Satya Ji explains in the video below, when chanted properly, the Ganesh Mantra can help one tap into creativity, complex wisdom and organic intelligence. It has the power to bring greater harmony with the cosmic flow, leading to peace, serenity and prosperity. Please watch the full video in order to make the most of this practice.

First do it normal speed or slower to get acquainted with the lip and tongue movements. Then as you get used to it you do the tibetan-style chant. Do not insist on isolated words but feel that the dominant sound is a one consistent sound. Tongue and lip movement are complimenting the sound.

Breathe deep and chant maintaining even rhythm. When you pause to breath in, the pause for in-breath will become like a silence pause to your chanting. If you feel you can sway in rhythm it engages whole body and flow of sound energy helps focus.

Chanting should come from the navel center two inches below the navel inside your body. That is the shakti center related to your tongue.

After some practise you can do very fast and let your body shake if it has to. This way your mind is unable to think and intense energy movement of sound and body shaking.

Above all it will give you a glimpse of yourself as a burning flame of energy and it opens channels of your spine. After doing it intensely be still and enjoy the flow of energy in the body. Be very still so energy can work. At least for fifteen minutes. It is, almost like having inner sex of energy. You will forget philosophies and issues once you feel your flow. You will start to have clarity about real issues you need in your life.

Remember to integrate ganesha in your life. Work one action at a time like one sound of your being. Before long you will notice that it's not just your sound but sound of the cosmic aum vibrating in you as action. This is first glimpse of union and harmony with cosmos in your action. So train while chanting to become one intention one sound energy and body. Experience of this oneness is one of the most fulfilling experience. Then you understand spiritual not just a thought it concept but a live feel of the cosmos.


RAM - The Sound of Now